Celebrating Pi Day!

"Celebrated each year on March 14th (3.14), Pi Day is dedicated to the mathematical constant, Pi. First recognized 30 years ago in 1988 by physicist Larry Shaw, Pi Day observers often celebrate with a slice of their favorite pie in honor of the number’s delicious sounding name.
Notated by the Greek letter “š¯›‘”, pi represents the ratio between a circle’s circumference (perimeter) to its diameter (distance from side to side passing through the center), and is a fundamental element of many mathematical fields, most significantly Geometry. Though modern mathematicians have calculated more than one TRILLION decimal places beyond the standard “3.14,” pi is an irrational number that continues on to infinity! It’s an important ingredient in the formula for the area of a circle, A=š¯›‘r²." (Google)

Don't forget to work out some math:

Pi Day Word Problems!

Now listen to some music made with Pi:

Piano lessons

Andrew Furmanczyk has a great list for teaching yourself how to play piano. He also offers several videos full of great advice. Click link below: