- Alien Addition. Set the parameters according to the child's knowledge.
- Jet Ski Addition. For those that are doing good learning their addition facts.
- Tug Team Addition
Second Grade Math
Penmanship, cursive, and note taking
I do believe that learning penmanship is very important for the kids. My kids need to improve and also learn how to write faster. My sister remind me of how we schools in Colombia did it when we were growing up. There was a lot of practice with strokes and shapes. It seems strangeat first but reality is that I was able to write fast. I am able to take notes when being lectured for 3 hours. That is a skill! And kids need to learn the skill of good penmanship and note taking for their future!
So let's start with cursive:
Print and trace several times during the week and then copy on a different cursive blank paper:
Cursive Practice sheets
Cursive practice sheets in Spanish

more of this type of exercises here
This website has a video showing how each letter is formed. Click on the letter you want to learn, then watch video, and then print exercise for that letter: Caligrafia
Also practice print with this wonderful practice sheets: Handwriting Print worksheets
For those interested in pursuing a high challenge and a very aesthetic skill try calligraphy. Get calligraphy pen set and books to learn from your local library.
For note taking some of the ideas I can give you is to have your child take notes when they hear a narration or educational audio. I encourage my kids to take notes at church while the pastor preaches. The notes in the beginning won't be perfect but with consistency it should get better.
So let's start with cursive:
Print and trace several times during the week and then copy on a different cursive blank paper:
Cursive Practice sheets
Cursive practice sheets in Spanish
more of this type of exercises here
This website has a video showing how each letter is formed. Click on the letter you want to learn, then watch video, and then print exercise for that letter: Caligrafia
Also practice print with this wonderful practice sheets: Handwriting Print worksheets
For those interested in pursuing a high challenge and a very aesthetic skill try calligraphy. Get calligraphy pen set and books to learn from your local library.
For note taking some of the ideas I can give you is to have your child take notes when they hear a narration or educational audio. I encourage my kids to take notes at church while the pastor preaches. The notes in the beginning won't be perfect but with consistency it should get better.
Read Aloud Correctly for Slow Readers plus Speech
Many students struggle with reading and I have found that making them read aloud improves their vocalization of correct punctuation. Make sure kids read everyday. I make my kids read 7-8 pages of a literature book a day on their own. Then practice aloud a page worth of reading from any source you choose often to make sure they are reading properly and that their are meeting a bench mark of fluency for that school year. Try having the kids do skits. That will help them develop speech and correct enunciation, This is a fantastic tool and should be used during the school year. Try one skit a semester. Do more if you want. Here is great resources on theather and drama from AtoZ homeschooling: Drama, Scripts, and Skits
Here is some online resources to practice with from Fluency Boot Camp:
(WPM = Total # words in passage multiplied by 60 (seconds), then divided by the total number of seconds the students read)
She has a record keeping chart you can download here
K-1 activities
2-3 activities
4-5 activities
Read as many phrases as you can in one minute. Scroll down the page to see all phrases here. There are 83 cards. Write down the results.
Check out these sample activities:
Synonym Bingo
- Here are is a collection of Christian poetry : Children's Christian Poetry
- A childhood short story: Little Red Riding Hood
- Make kids read a list like this Diphtong Word list often.
- Although it may seem annoying they can benefit by reading them aloud and it will help them with big words that contain diphtongs.
- Record the children reading. It can help them hear themselves. Have them hear a passage of Scripture online from Bible Gateway Audio and then have them record that same passage of Scripture and hear themselves. Talk about voice inflections and correct punctuation. Use the method described below on "cold/hot reads".
Here is some online resources to practice with from Fluency Boot Camp:
Expression= Reading with feeling in your voice
- Changing your voice to match a character
- Reading like you would speak (and not like a robot!)
- Moving your voice up and down"
Punctuation = Reading with attention to punctuation
- stopping at periods . . .
- taking breaths at commas , , ,
- making your voice go up for question marks ? ? ?
- showing excitement for exclamation points ! ! !
- using “quotations” to change voice for characters"
(WPM = Total # words in passage multiplied by 60 (seconds), then divided by the total number of seconds the students read)
She has a record keeping chart you can download here
Pace = the speed in which you read
- The goal is to read at a “just right” pace
- Reading not too fast and not too slow
Speed Drills — Speed drills build fluency because they help students quickly recognize letters, words, word families, common syllables, and spelling patterns in multi-syllabic words (depending on your grade-level). Students love trying to beat their score, especially those who have an extra competitive gene in them! I typically do 1-minute partner drills and have the students graph their progress for each attempt!
Reading Passages (Cold/Hot Reads) — Cold and hot reads are perfect for students to see their progress in their reading pace after practice! A “Cold Read” is when a student reads a passage for the very first time (no practice). A “Hot Read” is when the students are warmed-up and have practiced the passage a few times. Students can time themselves or work with a partner! I have my students set a goal for themselves… typically it’s words per minute (wpm) range for themselves, so they have a number to shoot for! They color this range in or block it off with a highlighter on their graphs."
These wonderful resources per grade levels will be interactive. You will need to print and have the student do the activity. All the activities are towards the bottom of each page:K-1 activities
2-3 activities
4-5 activities
Read as many phrases as you can in one minute. Scroll down the page to see all phrases here. There are 83 cards. Write down the results.
Check out these sample activities:
Cute ideas:
Speed Reading: Make more free time out of your busy school schedule!
Learning to read faster and still retain high levels of comprehension is a wonderful tool for success. If you love free time from school work train your brain and your eyes to read faster.
Check out all these links!
Eliminate Subvocalization
Try entering a paragraph at a time into this nifty free online fast reader app and then read it there:
Try entering a paragraph at a time into this nifty free online fast reader app and then read it there:
Accelareader (with this one you can control the settings)
When your reading assignments contains diagrams or pictures related to the content then do this:
Accelareader (with this one you can control the settings)
When your reading assignments contains diagrams or pictures related to the content then do this:
Go to your local library and read books on speed reading. I love those that have drills and exercises.
Do you get annoyed by content on the interent loaded with annoying ads? "Readability turns any web page into a clean view for reading now or later on your computer, smartphone, or tablet." Go to Readability to learn more!
Try finding what speed reader tools you may find useful for pc or devices.
Here is some names to give you a start.
- RSVP Reader for Firefox This one is for your pc. It will flash content at a fast speed. You can control the speed.
- For the sake of eye and brain speed reading training and if you have a smartphone try these apps recommended here
- A Faster Reader for devices
- Balto Speed Reading
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