So let's start with cursive:
Print and trace several times during the week and then copy on a different cursive blank paper:
Cursive Practice sheets
Cursive practice sheets in Spanish
more of this type of exercises here
This website has a video showing how each letter is formed. Click on the letter you want to learn, then watch video, and then print exercise for that letter: Caligrafia
Also practice print with this wonderful practice sheets: Handwriting Print worksheets
For those interested in pursuing a high challenge and a very aesthetic skill try calligraphy. Get calligraphy pen set and books to learn from your local library.
For note taking some of the ideas I can give you is to have your child take notes when they hear a narration or educational audio. I encourage my kids to take notes at church while the pastor preaches. The notes in the beginning won't be perfect but with consistency it should get better.